Jiangsu Sanjing Environmental Protection CO., LTD

How far should the incinerator be from the residential area
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       How far the incinerator is from the residential area has been debated for a long time. Our country has been slow to come down from the top. Originally, we decided it was 1000 meters.Later, some local administrative departments raised Suggestions, so they purposefully revised the standard. In the end, the smallest data is 700 meters, which dare not be reduced any more. Why?
       Who live within seven hundred meters are not sure, this kind of data using physical model to calculate how much emissions of incinerator, how big is the space, according to this model, also don't have much in precise, there are a lot of literature, the calculation is wrong, said the impact of dioxins, extent of damage value is much larger than we calculated, there is a literature reported, this is one aspect.On the other hand, the most difficult thing to do with dioxins is that they're so toxic, they're a level 1 carcinogen, and the most annoying thing is that they don't degrade, they have a half-life of 14 to 273 years.If it accumulates in the body, it can easily get into fat, and no matter how low your standards are, it's still carcinogenic.So we have to be careful about that.This 300 meters, many people think is too risky, 500, 600 meters is also very risky, because we see the fact that the cancer within 1.2 kilometers of Japan is twice as much as outside, which is also worth referring to, even if the incinerator is improved, not 1.2 kilometers, shrinking is less than 300 meters.This is understandable, shorten distance distance as small as possible location of management required, because the environmental protection department supervisor often comments is to choose suitable place, especially large and medium-sized cities, is now in this situation, we should fluctuate in other issues, other treatment method in the garbage.